Continuous monitoring of the energy reality of Navarre through:
a. The specific balances and indicators of Navarre
b. The specific balances and indicators of the Administration of Navarre
c. Constant contact and regular meetings with development agencies and groups of local entities
d. Constant contact and periodic meetings with different sectors and areas related to energy management in Navarra
i. Cooperatives
ii. Transport
iii. Industry
iv. Commerce
v. Housing / Society -
Definition and management of grants calls for energy saving and efficiency, renewable energy, mobility and ESFL
Promotion and execution of sustainable projects in the ACFN
Reporting of fiscal detraction for individuals and companies
Promotion and execution of sustainable projects in the public and private sectors, mainly in the matter of:
a. Photovoltaic
b. Wind
c. Biomass
d. Sustainable mobility
e. Self-consumption
f. Distributed energy production
g. Microgrids
h. Savings and energy efficiency -
Updating and execution of an R & D & I line related to energy that serves to boost energy management in Navarra.
a. Training for technicians and professionals through courses, conferences, etc.
b. Information and dissemination of:
i. Calls for aid
ii. Tax deductions
iii. Projects and actions of reference
iv. Balances and results of energy management -
Awareness of energy management aimed primarily at society
European project management: Sustainavility, Life Nadapta
Development of strategic projects of PEN 2030
Participation in the interdepartmental commission against climate change (CICC) and in the possible new energy agency of Navarre
Technical assistance to Councils and Municipalities in Districts Renovation
Coordination between all the Technical Services and dwellings users ad owners
Design and development of Global Intervention Projects (GIP) at district and/or municipality scale, in terms of energy efficiency.
Technical assistance services for refurbishment and incorporation of renewable energy in public and private buildings
Public Tender for technical projects
Public Tender for refurbishment works (Public Buildings)
Advisory and intermediation with financial Services (Private Buildings)
Advisory to users and owners in Energy Management in buildings
Application for aids’ support (Public and Private Buildings)
Training Services (WP6)
Training Guides (WP6)
AIN (www.ain.es) is a Private Technological Center, owned by 115 industrial and services companies from Navarra, North of Spain. Among these companies, Automotive, Agro food, Paper, Chemical, Metal Mechanics and ICT sectors are represented.
These companies stand for 72% of the Navarra Industrial GDP of our Region. The company has participated as a partner or leader in more than 40 funded European projects in different areas. AIN employs 86 people and its turnover in 2018 was of € 6,55 M.
The expertise of the Industrial Development Unit of AIN is devoted to 1) advanced engineering solutions for industrial construction, efficient use of energy and environmental protection, 2) Unconventional systems for sensing, control and communications with activities in advanced predictive maintenance techniques and 3) advanced data processing techniques including image processing, data fusion or data mining.
In relation to this project there are 3 main specialization areas:
Energy efficiency and Energy Generation (gas and renewable energies) in the industrial sector for technological measures appropriated for the different processes and facilities.
Engineering for energy installation for the definition, design and implementation of energy efficiency and energy generation projects (gas and renewable energies).
Application of sensor technology, communication and data analysis for the management, monitoring and control of energy parameters which objective is to improve the energy efficiency of the processes and facilities.
AIN form part of the National Association of Energy Efficiency (Asociación de Empresas de Eficiencia Energética A3E (http://www.asociacion3e.org/) since its establishment on 2010. We have a strong collaboration with the association participating in different work groups to develop manuals, guides and specific training programmes on Energy Efficiency for Industry.
Since 2014, AIN is associated to ADItech – Advanced Innovation and Technology Corporation. ADItech is a private entity that brings together Navarra technology centres in the fields of Agri-food (CNTA), Biomedicine (CIMA and Navarrabiomed – Fundación Miguel Servet), Energy (CENER) and Industry (AIN, CEMITEC). ADItech represents AIN in the European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA) and in the Sustainable Process Industry through resource and energy efficiency (SPIRE) – PPP.
During 2015, AIN obtained the recognition of Innovative Entrepreneurial Grouping (Agrupación Empresarial Innovadora AEI, as Industrial Transformation cluster), form the Spanish Minister of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness.
The main role of AIN is to lead the mobilization of investments in industry and service companies (being leader of WP5).
Another role in the project:
Lead partner in Task 6.3 (WP6) Training of local SME´s to develop them as Local ESCO (Develop of 2 Local ESCO´s Business Models).
Collaboration in Task 6.5 Promotion of the activities.
Collaboration in WP 7: Post-Project Replicability.